On October 16th, 2012 SECPhO defended the ASPICE (Action to Support Photonic Innovation Clusters in Europe) project in front of the European Commission along with 6 other European clusters. After 5 hours of meeting and the following discussion the committee appointed by the European Commission endorsed the project and encouraged to give it a boost during the next 2 years. The ASPICE project focuses on intercluster collaboration enabled in Europe, especially through value chains where photonics is a key factor. The ASPICE project is part of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7) and aims to promote collaboration between the European photonics clusters initially in the areas of health and safety. The ASPICE consortium comprises seven European clusters: Opticsvalley in France, OptoNet eV in Germany, FORTH-IESL in Greece, National University of Ireland in Ireland, EIT + in Poland, SECPhO in Spain and Portugal and Central ESP Ltd in UK.