¨Spectral Imaging. Beyond Vision¨ – this was the name of the 7th workshop co-organised by SECPhO within the OASIS project that took place on 20-21st of January in Amsterdam, Netherlands at the Tropical Museum of Amsterdam. Topic of the event: Spectral Imaging for Health, Agriculture & Food, Forensics and Fine Arts.
Below, the final agenda can be downloaded:
The event attracted 50 high level invited attendees that are working in spectral imaging area. Attendees represented the whole ¨value chain¨: from researchers, developers, integrators to end users, such as doctors from various hospitals and museums using advanced technologies to analyse their art pieces. 4 SECPhO members were present at the workshop as well: Gabriel Buendía from the Instituto de Fotomedicina was invited to overview the needs that dermatologists have nowadays in using different medical tools that use spectral imaging and 3 organisations BCB Informatica y Control, IRIS and AINIA participated at the SME pitches session presenting their expertise and services to the workshop participants.
The first day morning session was oriented to the introduction of the OASIS project, review of the EU funding possibilities related with the topic and introduction of the hosting organisations.
Later on, numerous presentations were dedicated to the overview of different applications of spectral imaging in topics such as Spectral imaging in Operating Room, Neurosurgery, Dermatology, Forensic Medicine, Seed sorting, Hidden Layers in Late Rembrandt paintings, besides others. This session showed how wide is the scope of the technology and what needs do different markets have nowadays and will have in future.
Finally, the last part of the day 1 of the workshop was dedicated to SME pitches where companies presented their expertise and services as well as partners and projects sought in the coming Horizon2020 calls related to spectral imaging applications.
During the whole day there were numerous occasions for networking during two coffee, lunch and dinner breaks.
On the second day of the workshop, two tours were offered to the participating organisations: the visit of the AMOLF research center and a guided tour in Rijksmuseum.
To conclude, the workshop in Amsterdam proved to show high quality and power of collaboration between the OASIS consortium members in organising a photonics-related event to facilitate new consortia building between companies from different sectors with a strong orientation to real applications and market cases. We strongly encourage the Spanish companies to participate in the future OASIS workshops to be organised in order to establish new business opportunities with an international scope.
All the presentations will be uploaded to this article in coming weeks.