Last 4th-5th of November, 2015 already a fifth OASIS project workshop took place in Aix en Provence, France. This workshop was held along the international Optitec event, organised by Optitec cluster which is the coordinator of the project.
This time the topic of the OASIS workshop was Medical Imaging and Biophotonics. The agenda of the event can be found below:
During the morning session, examples of end user needs and successful experiences at EU project of photonics applications in medicine were presented. These presentations can be found below:
Successful project example_Laugier
Afterwards, the host of the morning session, CERIMED research center presented the facility and gave a tour to their labs. It has to be noted that CERIMED is a unique research center in France in the field of medical imaging that work with such model organisms like pigs, mice and others and equip all the newest medical imaging systems for clinical trials. This is a big opportunity to all photonics organisations that are interested in collaborative research projects and look for partner which can perform tests with live animals adapting various imaging techniques.
In the afternoon session, the workshop continued at the Optitec event premises with an info session about biophotonics calls in Horizon2020, participating SME pitches for new collaborations and networking activities that let workshop participants to discuss possible new projects in the described calls.
Info session Biophotonics ICT calls
This was another success of OASIS workshops held in different European facilities that work in bio-/ med-/ agro-/ vet- photonics and other related areas. An international network of SECPhO has increased enormously allowing to offer it´s members a possibility of facilitating collaboration with top research facilities in whole Europe.
Please don´t hesitate to contact our international projects manager Vaclovas Radvilas for any requirements regarding the project, if you would like to participate in the next edition of the workshop or should you need any foreign contact in the biophotonics field.
Mark your calendars for 21-22 nd of January, 2016 when the next OASIS workshop will take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The topic of the event is Spectral Imaging in Healthcare, Food and Forensic Science, including visits of such research facilities like Amolf, Hospital of University of Amsterdam, presentations of End User needs in Spectral Imaging, discussion sessions with European SMEs and consortia building activities. See you in Netherlands!