On 10th of June, 2014 SECPhO led the first OASIS project (www.fp7-oasis.eu) webinar together with the project team. The event was aimed at informing European SMEs and other photonic stakeholders about the project and especially about the future OASIS workshops that will start in October this year. The event was recorded and will be available soon at the project website.
First 4 research facilities from 4 project partner clusters introduced themselves and area of activity during the webinar. These reseach facilities were:
- Instituto de Fotomedicina (Medical Center TEKNON) from Barcelona, Spain;
- PRISM (Biogenouest platform) from Rennes, France;
- Technical University of Berlin / BLiX (Berlin Laboratory for innovative X-ray Technologies), Berlin, Germany;
- Institute of Applied Physics- CNR (OPTOSCANA) from Sesto Fiorentino, Italy.
These facilities will host the OASIS innovation workshops for European SMEs in coming months, starting from this October in Barcelona. European companies will have the opportunity to visit the European level facilities and start new innovation projects in Biophotonics field.
The first workshop will be organised by SECPhO and more information about the event will be announced soon.
Don´t hesitate to contact your local OASIS representative who can be found at the following link: http://www.fp7-oasis.eu/Project-Overview/Team