The rearrangement of many elements in microelectronic circuits has increased the possibilities of electronic devices (computers,
mobile phones, televisions, radar, robotics, etc.), which are becoming more and more competitive.
Microelectronics is the application of electronic science to components and circuits of very small, microscopic and even molecular level to produce small but highly functional electronic devices and equipment.
It is commonly accepted that microelectronics refers to all those technologies over 100 nm in size, while nanoelectronics is normally used to define technologies under 100 nm in size, that is, at the level of atoms and molecules, where the laws of quantum physics begin to apply instead of the laws of classical physics.
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The design of programmable integrated circuits, the production of batches of circuits or the development of specific design tools are some of the services offered by microelectronics.
Microelectronics makes it possible for measuring instruments not only to make measurements but also to analyse them. It has also enabled fully automatic control of industrial processes and machinery. In fact, this technology has completely transformed the tools we use in practically all fields, from industrial machine tools, transport and intelligent mobility, communications, household appliances, to the computers we use.