New metrology system to improve the quality and level of automation of Industry 4.0 processes.
Ommatidia LiDAR, VLC Photonics and Robotnik have collaborated in the SECLUREFA project to develop an innovative metrology system that improves the quality and level of automation of industrial processes. This system integrates a new generation of high-precision LiDAR sensors that allows automatic and non-contact measurements. It is a totally pioneering technology in a booming market that will be marketed to other companies in the sector at a national and international level.
The SECLUREFA project, led by secpho, has received funding from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the European Union-Next Generation EU, within the support programme for Innovative Business Groups, whose objective is to digitalise industry.
SECLUREFA lays the foundation for a new generation of miniaturised and scalable LiDAR sensors that can be encapsulated in industrial robots.

The digitalization of industry requires non-contact optical metrology technologies to quickly and accurately acquire the final shape of products, guiding processes and ensuring quality. Geometric information on the location, shape, volume and movement of objects and people with which the robot can interact allows for increased automation and productivity. However, existing metrology and 3D localisation technology for mobile robotics is currently too costly.
In order to solve this problem, SECLUREFA offers a new 3D imaging and metrology system, with the integration of Laser RADAR sensors focused on improving resolution and range, which will reduce cost and weight at the same time. This uses a technology inspired by the compound eyes of insects that not only meets the objectives of cost reduction, but also provides higher accuracy than other products available on the market.
Laser RADAR, combined with AI and Computer Vision, will enable robots to work more accurately and move safely among humans.
LiDAR (acronym for Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging) is a laser-based object measurement and detection technology that is already being successfully incorporated into autonomous vehicles, where a correct reaction by the machine to changes in the environment is essential. Laser RADAR is a variant of LiDAR optimised for high-precision applications in industry, which can thus benefit from the 3D mapping and reconstruction provided by these sensors, but in this case a miniaturisation of certain components is required to achieve a compact and scalable design.
Therefore, Laser RADAR, combined with advances in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision, will in the near future enable robots to work more accurately and move safely among humans. This is why SECLUREFA lays the foundation for a new generation of miniaturised and scalable LiDAR sensors that can be encapsulated in industrial robots.
The impacts provided are multiple as it is a technology that can be applied transversally to the value chains of different companies in the aeronautical sector that manufacture in our country, but also to other industrial sectors based on metallurgy, such as the automotive sector or machine tools.
This industrial research project combines the LiDAR sensor expertise of Ommatidia LiDAR, the optical integration experience of VLC Photonics together with Robotnik, a pioneer in mobile robotics, and secpho as coordinator and promoter.