Entrepreneurship and private financing
Save the date, 1 June 2021
1 June 2021
How to organise an investment round. Legal aspects
Every business idea needs the necessary capital to become a reality. Among entrepreneurs, in general, and startups, in particular, it is very common to participate in financing rounds in search of the right investor. Closing a financing round successfully is a process that can be complicated, but not impossible, which is why countless companies and startups have managed to get their business off the ground thanks to this method.
In collaboration with Delvy, our strategic partner in legal advice and expert in startups and innovative companies, we have designed this session to learn, in a practical way, the typical process of an investment round. We will discuss the legal preparatory aspects, how to proceed to raise capital from investors, depending on their profile, as well as the most appropriate steps to follow.
If you are interested in knowing the main legal aspects to be taken into account in a financing round, don’t miss this informative session.
The language of the session will be English.
12:00 h
12:10 h
Welcome and Presentation
Pablo Mancía, co-founder of Delvy. Specialist in Commercial Law and New Technologies, with an entrepreneurial vocation.
12:40 h
13:00 h
Question time
End of the session

Sabine Runge
Deep Tech Innovation Manager

Pablo Mancía

This event will be held in the pitch room of the Investor Forum of the secpholand virtual platform.
Secpholand is a powerful platform that blends the benefits of a professional network with those of an immersive 3D virtual environment that will make you feel as if you were actually attending a physical event.
For more information and to download the platform, click here.
Attendance at this event is free of charge, with preferential attendance for members of the secpho ecosystem.
You must register through the events agenda of the secpholand virtual platform. As this is a new environment, we recommend you not to wait until the day of the event to install it. We encourage you to download the application during the previous days and try it out. You can download secpholand here.
Download secpholand
How does it work?
1. To access secpholand, you will need to install the application on your computer (available for Windows). If you need to ask your IT department for permission, you can pass them this document.
2. Once you have downloaded the application, you can create an account.
3. Once logged in, you will be able to sign up for the event in the Agenda menu.
If you have any questions when downloading or entering the application, you can contact us completing the following form.
As this is a new virtual platform, we recommend that you do not wait until the day of the event to install it. We encourage you to download the application some days before the event and try it out. It is already available on our website, by clicking on the following button: