Photonics West Networking Dinner (San Francisco)
Save the date: January 29th 2023 at 19:30
29th January 2023
Networking dinner
From January 28th to February 2nd , SPIE Photonics West 2023 will take place in San Francisco. Many secpho members will be there, either as visitors, as speakers at the congress or as exhibitors at the fair itself. For this reason, secpho will be organising the networking dinner that has become a tradition for the entire Spanish optics and photonics community.
The dinner will take place on 29th January at 19:30h. The details of the meeting point and time are still to be determined, although, as always, it will be in a central location. We will soon provide you with all the details.
If you are interested, please register using the form below before 20th January.
The person in charge of organising the dinner will be, as in recent years, Íñigo Artundo, member of the secpho Board of Directors and CEO of VLC Photonics. The cost of the dinner will be paid by each guest at the restaurant.
Don’t hesitate to spread the word about this event to everyone you think, you are all welcome!