CARLA Camp (Barcelona) | The Photonics Career Hub
Save the date: 1 & 2 Dec 2022
Registration before 13 November 2022
1 y 2 de diciembre 2022
CARLA camp
ICFO is organizing its third CARLA camp this December!
Are you an undergraduate or Master student thinking about continuing in or changing into the field of photonics? Or are you maybe already a Master, a PhD or a Postdoc in the photonics field or other related areas and would like to know about your different career opportunities in photonics afterwards, be it in academia, industry or something completely different? Or maybe you are just curious about photonics and its opportunities?
Then you should attend the CARLA camp that will take place on the 1st and 2nd of December at ICFO in Castelldefels, Barcelona! Talks and panels on the first day will also be streamed, while the second day, dedicated to workshops, will be all in-person. The CARLA camp aims at giving an overview of the vast career opportunities in photonics to university students and early-stage researchers (master, PhD, postdoc) from all STEM studies.
The sessions the first day will include panels and testimonials focusing on academy, industry, entrepeneurship and more unknown career opportunities and initiatives in photonics. The second day focuses on hands on workshops around innovation and career development, and will include the opportunity to see ICFO laboratories. Both days include a lot of in person networking opportunities with the speakers and participants.
See below the preliminary program, and click here to register.
Deadline for registration: November 13! *In person participation has a limited capacity.
Through this link you can see the general programme of the camp activities.

Addressed to university students and early-career researchers

CARLA is an initiative by ECOP, a long-standing partnership of European research and innovation centres passionate about outreach in photonics. The consortium now is conformed by: ICFO, Photonics Austria, MBI (Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie), POLIMI, Institute d’Optique Graduate School, the International Laser Centre, B-PHOT – VB, TUDelft, PhotonicSweden, secpho and Swissphotonics.
It defines itself as ‘The Photonics Career Hub‘ and was created with the aim of supporting the potential for growth, leadership and innovation in the field of photonics, where Europe needs more well-trained professionals.
To achieve this, CARLA is creating a rigorous and proven instrument to address this need at its source. This is why CARLA organises the CARLA Career Camps, professional camps of excellence, convened all over Europe. 11 camps have been organised in 10 different countries, and the overall programme of the camps is created and refined throughout the current project framework.
You can find all the information about this project here.
To proceed with the registration, it is necessary to fill in the form that you will find in this link.
Remember that the in-person event has limited capacity. Registration deadline: Sunday November 13th.