BLOCK4coop Project: Digital transformation of South West European companies with blockchain technology in Industry 4.0
Save the date: November 30th at 9:30h
November 30th – 9:30am
Blockchain technology has broken into the business world as a new transversal technology that combines ease of use, low cost, high security and transparency, creating a new basis of trust in information management, contributing to a considerable simplification and acceleration of industrial processes at all levels.
In addition to its current use in decentralized monetary systems, it also provides great opportunities in the launch of new business models due to the distributed nature of its technology, immutability of its records, and its ability to execute decentralized logic through smart contracts.
This is the framework of the INTERREG SUDOE Block4Coop project – Driving and Implementing Blockchain technology in the development of Industry 4.0., which main objective is to contribute to the digital transformation of companies from southwestern Europe and to improve their competitiveness through the use of Blockchain technology in organizations’ development of Industry 4.0 by means of the provision of information, counseling and interaction services between developers and users. Regarding specific objectives, the project pursues:
-To know the status of development, level of application and needs of Blockchain technology for industrial companies in Southwest Europe.
– Facilitating the incorporation of advanced technologies (IoT, Blockchain, Big Data) in industrial sectors in southwestern Europe.
– Encouraging collaboration between public entities, companies (especially SMEs), start-ups, business representatives and technological and knowledge agents.
– Disseminating and spreading these initiatives by supporting their “exit from the laboratory” into the real working environments of the main profile of small and medium-sized companies.
Therefore, the purpose of the final Block4Coop Project event is to showcase main project results, tackle on future prospect of blockchain technology at industry level, as well as to learn from SUDOE space experiences which will be presented by Consortium partners.
In this initiative, the capacities of the following partners converge: CIMES (FR), Clermont Auvergne Métropole (FR), AIDA CCI (PT), INOV INESC (PF), ITAINNOVA (ES), IKERLAN (ES), HEGAN (ES), ERAIKUNE (ES) y Federación Vizcaína de Empresas del Metal as promoter entity.
The BLOCK4COOP – Driving and Implementing Blockchain technology in the development of Industry 4.0 project is funded by the European Union through the INTERREG SUDOE programme .
You can find more information on the project website.
Accreditation of participants
Welcome by the lead beneficiary of the BLOCK4COOP project
Adolfo Rey, FVEM
Presentation of the BLOCK4COOP PROJECT: Objectives and results
JosebaSainz de Baranda, FVEM
Perspectives on blockchain technology. Impact of new distributed technologies on industry.
Dr. Francisco L. Benítez, Blockchain Researcher, CO-INNOVATION & PROSPECTIVE DIRECTOR
Perspectives on blockchain technology. Macroeconomic keys and opportunities for industry.
Montse Guardia Guell. Co- funder & CEO en Big ONION. Co-Funder Fundación ELLIS Alicante, Co-funder COVIDWarriors, President of the Board of Trustee´s UPC
The impact of the BLOCK4COOP project: results and collaborative projects
Partners of the project: FVEM, HEGAN, ERAIKUNE, IKERLAN (Basque Country), CIMES, CLERMONT METROPOLE (Auvernia-Rodano-Alpes), ITAINNOVA (Aragon) y AIDA, INOV (Aveiro/Lisbon)
Conclusions and closing of the Conference
JosebaSainz de Baranda, FVEM

This event will be held in the Block4Coop Project Room in Koonstel, with the possibility to hold thematic workshops on Blockchain and Industry 4.0, and Networking sessions.
Koonstel is a powerful virtual platform that blends the benefits of a professional network with those of an immersive 3D virtual environment that will make you feel as if you were actually attending a physical event.
You can get more information and download the platform here.
The virtual event will take place in Koonstel. We encourage you to download the application during the previous days.