La radiación por terahercios puede atravesar objetos, ropa y paquetes, identificar qué materiales y sustancias hay en su interior y, a diferencia de por ejemplo los rayos X, es completamente inocua. Su potencial en industrias como la de seguridad (aeropuertos, transporte marítimo, etc.), alimentación, farmacéutica o incluso aeronáutica (para, por ejemplo, realizar revisiones del estado de las alas de un avión, sin necesitar de desmontarlas) es inmenso.
Estas nuevas tecnologías son un mercado aún incipiente pero de grandísimo potencial, por ello en secpho hemos apostado por crear este webinar con el objetivo de profundizar en las diferentes aplicaciones de estas tecnologías.
Este webinar gratuito será en inglés y está dirigido a:
- Técnicos y Directores de Innovación de empresas de ámbitos como Telecomunicaciones, Defensa y sector Aeroespacial, Farmaceútico, Agroaliementario, etc.
- Investigadores de centros de I+D y de empresas expertas en tecnologías fotónicas y cuánticas.
12h00: Álex Turpin | secpho. Welcome and presentation
12h10: Marc de Gagné | Founder of nüTech. THz for worker’s safety.
Biography: Marc is French Canadian (Montréal) born, a graduate of applied mathematics & physics, in Canada with over 30+ years experience in industry, started as R&D in computer science in ’80 and ’90 moving to applied sciences in industry (as methodology in general and specialist in EM in particular) mostly for workers and humans in general, including aviation CAW. Marc has worked as an expat its entire life around the world and finally choose to settle in Barcelona.
12h30:Björn Globisch | Head of THz Sensor Systems Group at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute. Optoelectronic terahertz solutions for industrial sensing and spectroscopy.
Biography: Björn Globisch (Diploma in Physics in 2011, PhD in Physics in 2017) is head of the Terahertz Sensor Systems group at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI). Since 2019, he is also associate professor for terahertz sensing at Technische Universität Berlin. His research interests are optoelectronic terahertz components and systems for non-destructive testing and broadband spectroscopy.
12h50: Guillermo Carpintero | Full professor at UC3M. TERAmeasure: Superando los retos de la tecnología de Terahercios mediante fotónica.
Biography: Guillermo Carpintero is Full Professor of Electronics Technology at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and co-director of the Group of Optoelectronics and Laser Technology. He is an expert in integrated microwave and mm-wave photonics, where he has led pioneering EU projects, such as iPHOS and, currently, TREAmeasure (
13h10: Uli Schmidhammer & Marco Cavallari | CEO & CCO at Teratonics. Single-shot pulsed terahertz imaging and non-destructive evaluation systems for in-line production control and automated inspection
Biography: Uli Schmidhammer, Teratonics Chief Executive Officer and co-founder, has over 19 years of experience in the development of photonic technologies and their applications, spanning the range from science to industrial application. He is an expert in THz and has lead the development of single shot THz-TDS from its very beginnings. Uli holds a PhD in physics from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
Marco Cavallari, Teratonics Chief Commercial Officer and co-founder, is a seasoned business developer with a strong track record of multimillion EUR of sales contracts for deep tech companies (Nortel, Stratalight, Opnext and Bertin Technologies). Marco graduated in engineering at Politecnico di Milano and holds a PhD in physics from Ecole Polytechnique.
13h30: Antonio Castelo | Product Manager at Álava Ingenieros. Industrial applications of TDS-THz and THz Imaging: examples on plastic materials.
Biography: Antonio Castelo is Product Manager in the Imaging and Photonics Division at Álava Ingenieros. He is PhD by the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela in the field of laser material processing. During his career as a researcher, he has also gained expertise in metallic nanostructures on dielectric substrates and charaterization fabrication techniques in optical coatings.
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